Epilobium findlayi Allan
Type locality: Auckland Id. Type: BD 52438, H. Wenham.
Lax sparingly branched herb up to ± 30 cm. long; stems slender, slightly hardened at base; branchlets ascending, bifariously pubescent (bands often wide) us. pale brown. Lvs ± approximate in lower part, remote in upper, often alt. in floral region, on broad petioles ± 1-2 mm. long. Lamina elliptic to obovate-oblong, rather thin, glab., 10-15 × 3-7 mm.; margins minutely denticulate to sinuate and subentire. Fls few, in upper axils, us. distinctly below tips, (sts as much as 8 cm.); ± 5 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes ovate-lanceolate, < petals; petals magenta, 4-5 mm. long, deeply cleft. Capsules 2-4 cm. long, slender, purplish to greenish, glab.; peduncles 2-6-8 cm. long, slender, pale brown, glab. Seeds very minutely papillose.
DIST.: A., C. Grassland and open places, apparently common.
FL.- FT. 2.
Possibly E. confertifolium forma laxa Hauss. "Caulibus elongatis, foliis majoribus, 11/2 cm. longis, 8 mm. latis, remote dispositis", but Haussknecht includes several South Id collections.
The name is given in recognition of the valuable work being done by Dr. J. F. Findlay.