Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Epilobium wilsonii Cheeseman

E. wilsonii Petrie in T.N.Z.I. 54, 1923, 569.

Type locality: Isolated Hill Creek, Clarence Valley. Type: W, B. C. Aston, end Dec. 1915.

Stems several from stock, slender, dark purple, simple or sparingly branched, decumbent at base, then sprawling, ascending at tips, up to 30 cm. or more long; bifariously pubescent, sts evenly so. Lvs opp., floral alt., on slender petioles up to 3 mm. long. Lamina oblong-lanceolate to oblong-ovate to elliptic, 15-20-(30) × 7-10 mm., membr., glab. or ± puberulous; margins distinctly to rather obscurely, remotely denticulate. Fls (6)-15-(20) mm. diam.; calyx ± 10 mm. long, cleft to halfway or more, linear-lanceolate to narrow-ovate, acute to acuminate; pink in bud becoming white, ± 15 mm. long, broad-obcordate. Capsules 20-30 mm. long or more; sparingly, evenly pubescent; peduncles very slender, 10-20 mm. long, sparsely pubescent. Seeds ridged, papillose.

DIST.: S. Clarence valley, Seaward and Inland Kaikoura ranges in grassland and herbfield.

FL.- FT. 10-2.

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