Epilobium confertifolium Hook.f.
Prostrate herb, us. much-branched, forming patches up to ± 20 cm. diam.; branches ascending at tips, obscurely to distinctly bifariously pubescent. Lvs opp., approximate, often overlapping, on petioles ± 1 mm. long. Lamina oblong-obovate to oblong to ovate-oblong to elliptic, us. several forms on same plant, glab., 6-12 X 3-6 mm.; margins remotely, obscurely denticulate to entire. Fls ± 5 mm. diam.; calyx deeply cleft, lobes lanceolate to narrow-obovate, ± 3 mm. long; petals shades of magenta to white, bifid to ± halfway. Capsules glab., pale green to reddish brown, sts purplish, (8)-10-20 mm. long; peduncles 5-10 mm. long, ± = lvs, sts up to 2 cm. long. Seeds very minutely densely papillose.
DIST.: A., C. Abundant in grassland and open slopes, coastal and other rocks.
FL.- FT. 10-4.
Cheeseman (Subantarct. Is N.Z. 2, 1909, 406) concluded that the sp. is "quite distinct from the New Zealand mountain-plants associated with it by Hooker." Recent collections confirm this view, but show that in both Auckland and Campbell Is a complex of forms occurs, probably partly due to habitat modifications. Cockayne (T.N.Z.I. 48, 1916, 195) following his description of E. rubro-marginatum discussed its relation to E. confertifolium and E. tasmanicum, and points out the differences. Some specimens of mainland plants referred to E. tasmanicum in herbaria belong to E. rubro-marginatum.
The petal colour "magenta" is that given by Sorensen (D.S.I.R. Cape Exped. Ser. Bull. 7, 1951, 30) who saw the plants in bloom on Campbell Id.