Pertusaria flavovelata
Holotype: New Zealand. Nelson, Mt Arthur, Flora Hut Road, 0.3 km W of Saddle, 980 m, 13.v.1993, W.M. Malcolm 871 – CHR 470261.
Description : Thallus greyish white, thin, somewhat cracked, surface smooth and dull, without isidia or soredia. Apothecia disc-like, conspicuous, scattered, 1–2 mm diam., the epithecium initially concealed by the thalline margin which then splits to reveal the yellow-pigmented tissue. Epithecium at first bright-yellow, becoming dull yellow-grey, turning red in alkali. Ascospores 1 per ascus, ellipsoidal, smooth, 150–200 × 45–55 μm, wall 4–5 μm thick.
Chemistry : K−, KC+ violet, C−, PD−; containing picrolichenic acid.
S: Nelson (Mt Arthur). A corticolous species known only from the type locality.
Illustrations : Elix et al. (1995b: 277, fig. 30); Malcolm & Galloway (1997: 31, 103); Malcolm & Malcolm (2000: 57).
Pertusaria flavovelata is characterised by: the corticolous habit; dispersed, disc-like apothecia with bright-yellow epithecia that become red in alkali; and the presence of picrolichenic acid.