Pertusaria macloviana
Description : Thallus crustose, off-white, greyish white to grey, thick, areolate to plicate, saxicolous. Upper surface smooth, with or without pruina, sorediate. Soralia delimited, restricted to apothecia, erumpent, c. 1.5 mm diam. Soredia granular, white to grey-white. Apothecia disc-like, numerous, crowded to scattered and rather sparse, subpedicellate, c. 1.5 mm diam., disc grey-white to brown-black or commonly immature, initially white-pruinose becoming sorediate. Ascospores 1 per ascus, ellipsoidal, uncommon, 147–187 × 49–74 μm; walls simple, smooth, 3–5 μm thick.
Chemistry : Thallus and medulla K−, C−. KC−, PD+ orange-red; containing protocetraric acid.
A: (Hooker Hills), C: On rocks. Known also from Chile, Argentina and the Falkland Is (Messuti & Archer 1999: 211).
Illustration : Messuti & Archer (1999: 209, fig. 4).
Pertusaria macloviana is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; the disc-like apothecia; monosporous asci; ascospores 147–187 × 49–74 μm; and protocetraric acid.