Pertusaria lavata
Holotype: New Zealand. Sine loco, 1883, Dr Knight – G 638/3.
Description : Flora (1985: 375).
Chemistry : K−, KC−, C−, Pd−; containing 4.5-dichlorolichexanthone and 2'- O -methylperlatolic acid (Archer & Elix 1992: 426; 1994b: 17).
N: Northland (Moturoa I., Whale I., Bay of Islands, Broken Is off Great Barrier I.). On coastal rocks. Also in Queensland and New South Wales, including Lord Howe I. (Archer & Elix 1992, 1994b; McCarthy 2003c, 2006; Archer 2004a).
Illustration : Archer (1997: 92, fig. 25).
Pertusaria lavata is characterised by: the saxicolous (coastal rocks) habit; the flattened verrucae (often confluent); the 8, biseriate ascospores and the chemistry. It is distinguished from the chemically similar, 8-spored saxicolous P. lophocarpa Körb. by the conspicuous, raised verrucae and the smaller, uniseriate ascospores.