Lichens Pan-Z (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition Pan-Z
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Pertusaria dactylina

P. dactylina (Ach.) Nyl., Acta Soc. Sci. fenn. 7: 447 (1863).

Lichen dactylinus Ach., Lichenogr. suec. prodr.: 89 (1799) ["1798"].

=Lecanidium perenne C.W.Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 19: 457 (1971) ["1970"]

Lecanidium perenne. Holotype: New Zealand. Canterbury, summit of Mt Misery above 1680 m, on soil, W.R. Philipson P57 – FH. Isotype – CANU.

Description : Flora (1985: 373).

Chemistry : Cortex K−, C−. Pd−; medulla K+yellow-brown, C−, Pd+ yellow-orange; containing fumarprotocetraric acid (major) and protocetraric acid (tr.).

N: South Auckland (Mt Moehau, Coromandel Peninsula), Wellington (Kaimanawa Ra., Tararua Ra.). S: Nelson (St Arnaud Ra., Lake Sylvester, Mt Technical), Canterbury (Arthur's Pass, Craigieburn Ra., Torlesse Ra., Mt Hutt, Mt McClure, Mt Wakefield, Copland Ridge Mt Cook National Park, Mt Peel), Otago (Mt Brewster, St Bathans Ra., Hawkdun Ra., Dunstan Mts, Old Man Ra., The Remarkables, Pisa Ra., Rock & Pillar Ra., Poolburn Reservoir, Kakanui Mts, Blue Mts, Humboldt Ra., Park Pass, Cow Saddle, Fohn Saddle, North Col, Coronet Peak, Bedford Valley). St: (Mt Anglem, Tin Ra., Fraser Peaks). Mainly E of the Main Divide, on soil or among mosses in fellfield and tundra; especially well-developed in patterned ground of the Central Otago Mountains, 600–2700 m. Circumpolar, arctic–alpine in the Northern Hemisphere (Dibben 1980; Galloway & Aptroot 1995; Archer 1997). Known also from Macquarie I. (McCarthy 2003c, 2006).


Illustrations : Ozenda & Clauzade (1970: 534, fig. 445); Martin & Child (1972: 109); Dibben (1980: 141, fig. 72); Moberg & Holmåsen (1982: 209); Hansen (1995: 106); Malcolm & Galloway (1997: 103, 153); Brodo et al. (2001: 528, pl. 629).

Pertusaria dactylina is characterised by: the terricolous/muscicolous habit; the isidiate thallus; and the presence of fumarprotocetraric acid in the medulla. It is similar to P. gymnospora but that species has protocetraric as the major secondary metabolite and has more-robust isidia.

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