Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Echinochloa microstachya

ξE. microstachya (Wiegand) Rydb.

ξE. microstachya (Wiegand) Rydb. ξTufts c. 30 cm, erect. Ligular area glabrous. Panicles stiff, not exserted from uppermost leaves. Spikelets c. 3 mm. Glumes cuspidate. Lower floret: lemma very shortly awned. Upper floret: lemma ovate-elliptic, gradually tapering to glabrous, acute, stiff apex; palea apex hard, acute. A North American species collected once at Nelson in waste land, A. J. Healy 71/59 25.4.1971, "... In damp hollows: heads strictly erect and fruit falling before panicles open" (CHR 225004).

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