Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Elymus L.

Elymus L., 1753

Type species: E. sibiricus L.

Tussocky or open tall, tufted, coarse or small grasses, with intra- or extravaginal branching. Spikelets sessile, laterally compressed, solitary (in New Zealand species), broadside to tough rachis, appressed to or diverging from it; rachis not prolonged; spikelet imbricate of many long-awned to mucronate florets; disarticulating above glumes. Glumes firm, long triangular, margins membranous, 1-3-5 parallel nerves, obtuse to shortly and distinctly awned. Lemma rounded, smooth to somewhat scabrid, coriaceous, 5-nerved, keeled above. Lodicules ciliate. Ovary with apical corona and hispid hairs. Caryopsis adherent to palea.


Long awned florets in spikelets appressed to rachis of ascending or nodding inflorescences
Long awned florets in spikelets divergent from rachis of erect spikes or appressed to rachis of inflorescences trailing on the ground, or florets short-awned
Leaf-blades flat, margins involute; auricles long, clasping
Leaf-blades involute; auricles minute or absent, sheath margins becoming apical lobes
Leaf-blades usually glaucous and glabrous abaxially; awn recurved; palea apex pointed, bifid
Leaf-blades coarsely hirsute; awn straight, rarely recurved; palea apex blunt, truncate to retuse
Leaf-blades short, variously falcate, sinuous, or straight, abaxially glaucous usually with scattered erect long (1 mm) hairs; culms prostrate to ascending
Leaf-blades long thin and strict, abaxially ribbed, glabrous and glaucous, adaxially with dense weft of hairs at base; culms erect
Awn long, straight or recurved, 2-3 × lemma
Awn short, straight, up to 1 × lemma
Culm trailing along ground, uppermost internode greatly elongating after anthesis; spikelets appressed to rachis; anthers 2-3 mm, yellow
Culm erect, uppermost internode short; spikelets widely divergent from rachis; anthers 4-9 mm, purple to yellow
Inflorescence of long widely spaced many-flowered spikelets; palea apex blunt, truncate to retuse; lemma apex bifid if mucronate
Inflorescence of small close-set, few-flowered shining spikelets; palea apex pointed, bifid; lemma apex bifid

A cosmopolitan genus of 20 or 150 species depending on generic interpretation. Endemic spp. 6, indigenous sp. 1; naturalised sp. 1.

Treatment follows Connor, H. E. N.Z. J. Bot. 32: 125-154 (1994), derived in part from Connor, H. E. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 35B: 315-343 (1954) and Löve, Á. and Connor, H. E. N.Z. J. Bot. 20: 169-186 (1982). All species are self-compatible and chasmogamous but cleistogamy may occur in E. falcis, E. multiflorus and E. tenuis.

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