Elymus L.
Type species: E. sibiricus L.
Tussocky or open tall, tufted, coarse or small grasses, with intra- or extravaginal branching. Spikelets sessile, laterally compressed, solitary (in New Zealand species), broadside to tough rachis, appressed to or diverging from it; rachis not prolonged; spikelet imbricate of many long-awned to mucronate florets; disarticulating above glumes. Glumes firm, long triangular, margins membranous, 1-3-5 parallel nerves, obtuse to shortly and distinctly awned. Lemma rounded, smooth to somewhat scabrid, coriaceous, 5-nerved, keeled above. Lodicules ciliate. Ovary with apical corona and hispid hairs. Caryopsis adherent to palea.
A cosmopolitan genus of 20 or 150 species depending on generic interpretation. Endemic spp. 6, indigenous sp. 1; naturalised sp. 1.
Treatment follows Connor, H. E. N.Z. J. Bot. 32: 125-154 (1994), derived in part from Connor, H. E. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 35B: 315-343 (1954) and Löve, Á. and Connor, H. E. N.Z. J. Bot. 20: 169-186 (1982). All species are self-compatible and chasmogamous but cleistogamy may occur in E. falcis, E. multiflorus and E. tenuis.