Triticum L.
Type species: T. aestivum L.
Annuals. Leaf-sheath auriculate. Ligule membranous. Leaf-blade flat. Spike dense, linear, with single sessile spikelets distichously arranged; rachis fragile, or tough in cultivated spp. Spikelets 2-6-(9)-flowered, ⚥; rachilla prolonged. Glumes ± equal, usually < lemmas, 5-11-nerved, coriaceous, chartaceous or rarely membranous, asymmetrical, ± keeled, obtuse, truncate, or bidentate, mucronate or awned. Lemma coriaceous, 7-11-nerved, rounded, or keeled above, apex similar to that of glumes. Palea hyaline to membranous, 2-keeled, entire or splitting at maturity. Lodicules 2, ovate, ciliate. Stamens 3. Ovary apex with hispid hairs; styles 2, plumose. Caryopsis free, or adherent to anthoecium, ellipsoid, deeply grooved adaxially; embryo ⅕-⅓ length of caryopsis; hilum linear, ≈ caryopsis.
10-20 spp. from eastern Mediterranean to Iran. Naturalised sp. 1; transient sp. 1.