Secale L.
Type species: S. cereale L.
Annuals, biennials, or perennials. Leaf-sheath auriculate. Ligule membranous, truncate, often lacerate. Leaf-blade flat or inrolled. Raceme dense, laterally compressed, oblong to linear, with single spikelets distichously arranged; rachis fragile, or tough in cultivated spp. Spikelets 2-(3)-flowered, ⚥, rachilla prolongation short. Glumes ± equal, 1-nerved, linear, sharply keeled, acuminate or awned. Lemma 5-nerved, coriaceous, sharply keeled, keel and outer margin pectinate-ciliate; awn long, straight, scabrid. Palea membranous, 2-keeled, keels ciliate-scabrid above. Lodicules 2, large, elliptic-obovate or cuneate, ciliate. Stamens 3. Ovary apex hairy; styles 2, free. Caryopsis obovoid or ellipsoid-cylindric, dorsiventrally compressed, longitudinally sulcate; embryo small, ¼-⅓ caryopsis; hilum linear, ≈ caryopsis.
c. 5 spp. of Mediterranean, eastern Europe to central Asia and South Africa. Naturalised sp. 1.