Pultenaea Sm.
Shrubs. Lvs simple, entire, usually alternate, rarely opposite or verticillate; stipules usually lanceolate, often partly united. Fls axillary and solitary, or numerous and crowded in terminal heads often surrounded by lvs or bracts; bracteoles persistent, usually attached to calyx tube. Calyx somewhat bilabiate; calyx teeth ± equal or upper longer; upper 2 teeth broader, somewhat connate; lower 3 teeth free. Corolla yellow, orange or red, or mixed with purple, brown or rarely pink; petals long-clawed. Stamens free; anthers uniform. Ovary hairy or glabrous; style filiform; stigma small, terminal. Pod flat or turgid, ± straight, dehiscent, 1-2-seeded; seeds strophiolate.
c. 100 spp., mainly temperate Australia. Naturalised sp. 1.