Lathyrus L.
Herbs, usually scandent; stems angled or winged. Lvs pinnate, tendrilous, mucronate or reduced to a phyllode or tendril; leaflets usually distinctly parallel-veined, in 2 or few pairs; stipules simple or toothed. Infl. axillary, racemose, 1-many-flowered. Calyx teeth 5, subequal or upper shorter, usually < 2× as long as tube. Staminal tube subequal at apex; stamens diadelphous. Style inflexed, bearded lengthwise on inside, otherwise glabrous; ovules numerous or rarely few. Pod compressed, 2-valved; seeds subglobose, rough or smooth, with long or short hilum.
c. 150 spp., mainly in Europe, Asia, N. America, extending to E. Africa and S. America. Naturalised spp. 8.
Lathyrus and Vicia are very closely related. Most Lathyrus spp. can be distinguished from Vicia by winged stems, parallel-veined lvs, fewer leaflets per lf, or style pubescence.
Fig. 61. Stipules of Lathyrus. A L. grandiflorus, with lvs; B L. latifolius; C L. sylvestris. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X5M]