Trifolium L.
Annual to perennial, procumbent to erect herbs. Lvs palmately or pinnately 3-foliolate (rarely 5-9-foliolate, but not in N.Z. spp.); principal lateral veins terminating at leaflet margin often in a tooth; stipules adnate to petiole. Infls axillary or terminal, racemose, umbellate, or spicate, few- to many-flowered (if many-flowered then fls usually forming dense heads); bracts present, 0, or reduced to glandular hairs. Calyx teeth 5, usually subequal or the lower longer. Corolla usually persistent after flowering. Vexillary filament free, the others united into a sheath split adaxially; anthers uniform. Style glabrous; stigma capitate or hooked. Pod 2-valved, ± straight, usually indehiscent, very rarely dehiscent, not armed, 1-2-(10)-seeded; seeds estrophiolate, smooth and rounded.
The synopsis is based on Zohary, M. and Heller, D., The Genus Trifolium (1984).
- Fls ebracteate or with minute bracts or bracts reduced to glandular hairs, all with corollas and mostly fertile. Calyx 5-veined, unchanged at fruiting; throat glabrous and open at fruiting. Pod 1-2-seeded:
- 3. * aureum4. * campestre6. * dubium13. * micranthum
- B. Sect. LOTOIDEA.
- Fls mostly bracteate, all with corollas and mostly fertile. Calyx usually 10-veined, not or slightly changed at fruiting; throat glabrous and open at fruiting. Pod 1-10-seeded:
- 5. * cernuum8. * glomeratum10. * hybridum15. * ornithopodioides17. * repens19. * retusum23. * suffocatum
- Fls ebracteate, mostly without corollas and sterile, a few outer fls with corollas and fertile. Calyx of sterile fls of a solid tube and long bristly teeth, concealing fertile fls at maturity. Pod 1-seeded:
- 22. * subterraneum
- Fls ebracteate, all with corollas and mostly fertile. Calyx 10-20-veined, not or slightly changed at fruiting; throat usually closed by a ring of hairs or callosity at fruiting. Pod 1-(2)-seeded:
- 1. * angustifolium2. * arvense9. * hirtum11. * incarnatum12. * medium14. * ochroleucon16. * pratense20. * scabrum* squarmosum21. * striatum
- Fls bracteate, all with corollas and mostly fertile. Calyx 10-veined, greatly inflated, and hairy and veined on one side at fruiting; throat narrowed or closed at fruiting. Pod 1-2-seeded:
- 7. * fragiferum18. * resupinatum24. * tomentosum
237 spp., Eurasia, Africa, N. and S. America. Naturalised spp. 25.
Several Trifolium spp. are important as pasture plants, and some are also important in honey production. Most naturalised spp. are escapes from cultivation or are weeds often established from seed impurities. Plate 13 illustrates flowering or fruiting heads for spp. from all sections of the genus. Almost all naturalised N.Z. spp. are illustrated in Healy, A. J., Identification of Weeds and Clovers ed. 3 (1982).
A number of clover spp. are reported to be poisonous (Connor 1977), in particular the effect of hydrocyanic acid poisoning from T. repens has been closely investigated.