Ewartia Beauverd
Type sp.: E. catipes of Tasmania.
Capitula discoid, florets ∞; (a) pistillate, mixed with fertile imperfectly hermaphrodite florets in the same infl.; (b) all florets hermaphrodite, sterile or rarely fertile. Involucre subhemispherical, with rigid imbricating scarious shortly white-tipped and radiate phyll. Receptacle very narrow, alveolate, at first pilose, later glab. Corolla of ♀ filiform, 3-4-toothed, ± papillate; of hermaphrodites tubular, 5-fid, campanulate. Fertile anthers sagittate at base, cells produced into fine tails. Style-arms: (a) of functionally male hermaphrodites truncate, papillate; (b) of ♀ linear-filiform; (c) of perfect hermaphrodites ovate-lanceolate, papillose. Achenes fusiform, papillate to puberulous; pappus-hairs in one series, slender, minutely barbellate. Perennial herbs with stout woody stock, branches woody at base, lvs densely tomentose. A genus of c. 5 spp. in Australia, Tasmania and N.Z. The N.Z. sp. is endemic.