Celmisia bellidioides Hook.f.
Type locality: Tarndale. Type: K, Sinclair No. 8, Feby 1861, "in loose shingle, altitude 5000 ft."
Creeping much-branched mat-forming herb; main stems slender to rather stout, slightly woody at base; branches much-divided, prostrate, rooting, clad in lf-remains; branchlets clad at apex in close rosettes of spreading living lvs. Lamina subcoriac., almost fleshy, glab., narrowly obovate-oblong to oblong to spathulate, (7)-8-12-(15) × 3-4-(6) mm.; upper surface dark green, glossy; lower paler; midrib impressed above, prominent below. Apex rounded; margins entire or sts obscurely toothed, narrowed to ± floccose sheath c. 5 mm. long. Scape slender, up to ± 5 cm. long, glab. or with sparse white hairs; bracts ∞, narrow-linear, obtuse to subacute, lower up to c. 1 cm. long. Capitula ± 20 mm. diam.; phyll. green, sts becoming pale, linear- to lanceolate-oblong, glab., thin, up to 10 mm. long. Ray-florets us. ∞, ± 11 mm. long; tube very slender, occ. with sparse hairs; limb narrow-obovate. Disk-florets narrow-funnelform, c. 6 mm. long; teeth minute, triangular. Achenes compressed-cylindric, ribbed, 3-4 mm. long, ± densely clad in short ascending silky hairs. Pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long, slender, white to rufous, very finely or hardly barbellate.
DIST.: S. Montane to subalpine wet rocky and gravelly places by streams throughout.