Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Celmisia rutlandii Kirk

C. rutlandii Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 27, 1895, 329.

Type locality: Mount Stokes. Type: W, 3289, J. H. Macmahon.

Rather small tufted herb with lf-sheaths densely imbricate along stem. Lamina very coriac. ± 5-15 × (1·5) ×3-4-(6) cm., ovate- to obovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate (several forms often occur on a single plant); upper surface glab., ± plicate, or with a silvery pellicle; lower surface clad in closely appressed silvery satiny tomentum, midrib and lateral veins obvious; apex acute to subacuminate; margins recurved, entire or minutely distantly denticulate, rather abruptly narrowed to petiole c. 2 cm. long, clad in snow-white deciduous tomentum. Sheath c. 6 cm. long, clad in floccose white hairs. Scape c. 15-25 cm. long, clad in white floccose hairs; bracts ∞, up to c. 2 cm. long, linear, acuminate. Capitula 2.5-4 cm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, ± acuminate, up to c. 16 × 2 mm., with a few hairs, midrib distinct. Ray-florets several to many, ± 12 mm. long, with linear limb; disk-florets ∞, c. 7 mm. long, narrow-funnelform, teeth triangular, acute. Achenes narrow-cylindric, grooved, c. 3 mm. long, with scattered ± patent hairs to almost glab. Pappus-hairs white to sordid-white, up to ± 6 mm. long, hardly barbellate.

DIST.: S. Higher montane sheltered rocks and fellfield; Wairau Mountains.

Martin (T.R.S.N.Z. 65, 1935, 178) who has closely studied the Celmisiae of Marlborough remarks that this sp. "is quite a common plant or all the higher peaks of the Wairau Mountains (e.g., Mounts Patriarch, Richmond, Fishtail, Royal Knob, Sunday and Riley). Till recently I had regarded the Wairau Mountains form as being distinct from that on Mount Stokes, but garden culture and further field examination have convinced me of their identity. The provisional name of C. umbrosa used by me (1932, p. 10) in my 'Vegetation of Marlborough' should therefore be dropped."

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