Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Celmisia prorepens Petrie

C. prorepens Petrie in T.N.Z.I. 19, 1887, 326.

Type locality: Old Man Range. Type: W, 2151, D. Petrie.

Herb with stout, much-branched stock clad in lf-remains, branches creeping, rooting at nodes, living lvs in close rosettes at tips of branchlets; plant viscid, forming patches up to ± 1 m. diam. Lamina subcoriac., ± 35-50-(80) × 12-15-(25) mm.; elliptic- to obovate-oblong; both surfaces strongly longitudinally wrinkled, upper glab. or nearly so, lower with very thin deciduous pellicle and distinct ± pilose midrib. Apex subacute; margins coarsely serrate, slightly recurved; base narrowed to flat petiole ± 10 mm. long. Sheath submembr., strongly striate, very viscid. Scape up to c. 20 cm. long, rather stout, angled, viscid, and with a few hairs; bracts ∞, broadly subulate, lower with lamina up to c. 25 mm. long. Capitula (2)-3-(4) cm. diam.; phyll. scarious, viscid, linear, up to ± 12 mm. long, crowned by tuft of floccose hairs. Ray-florets c. 15-20 mm. long, with very slender tube and narrow-oblong limb; disk-florets narrow-funnelform, c. 7 mm. long, teeth narrow-triangular. Achenes narrow-cylindric, 2.5-3 mm. long, densely clad in ascending ± deciduous silky hairs on ribs. Pappus-hairs white, becoming rufous, up to 7 mm. long, finely barbellate.

DIST.: S. Higher montane to subalpine grassland, herbfield, rocky places: Garvie, Old Man, Rock and Pillar Ranges, and mountains near Lake Wakatipu.

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