Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Celmisia viscosa Hook.f.

C. viscosa Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 133.

Type locality: Summit of Mount Torlesse. Type: K, Haast 450.

Stout subshrub with ∞ low-growing branches, forming patches up to ± 1m. diam.; main stems up to 2 cm. diam., branches c. 10 mm. diam., clad in If-remains; branchlets erect to ascending, living Ivs in subrosulate tufts, ascending, finally reflexed. Lamina rigid, thick, coriac., very viscid, 6-8-(15) cm. × 6-9 mm., linear-subulate to narrow-oblong, gradually tapering from base to subacute apex; upper surface bright green, glab. or occ. pellicled, coarsely longitudinally grooved; lower surface white with appressed soft white felted tomentum; ribs ∞, prominent, parallel. Margins not or very slightly recurved, very minutely denticulate. Sheath abruptly widening from lamina, 20-25 × 10-15 mm., glab., grooved, brown to purplish. Scape stout, ± 15-20-(30) cm. long, densely glandular-pubescent; bracts ∞ to few, viscid, linear-subulate, up to 2 cm. long. Capitula 3-4 cm. diam.; phyll. ∞, linear-subulate, acuminate, up to c. 2 cm. long, densely glandular-pubescent, except towards base. Ray-florets spreading, 10-15-(20) mm. long, limb narrow-oblong; disk-florets ∞, tubular, 3-5 mm. long. Achenes narrow-cylindric, ± compressed, 3-4 mm. long; ribs with short ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs up to c. 6·5 mm. long, white, very slender, hardly barbellate.

DIST.: S. Higher montane to subalpine grassland, herbfield, fellfield from c. lat. 41° southwards, mainly east of divide.

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