Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Rosettes 1-several cm diam., ground-hugging; lvs obovate to spathulate; upper surface hairy; undersurface almost or quite glabrous. Lateral branches few to many, decumbent; internodes usually < lvs. Cymes usually simple, few- to many-flowered, bracteate throughout; bracts usually > internodes; pedicel < calyx. Corolla white to cream, 0.5-3 mm diam.; tube cylindric; filaments very short; anthers wholly included.
N.; S.; St.; C. ( var. pygmaea, var. drucei L. Moore); Wellington to Otago ( var. minutiflora Simpson et J. Thomson); Canterbury to Otago ( var. glauca Simpson et J. Thomson).
Open coastal habitats to grassland, herbfield, open rocky places and streamsides.