Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill
field forget-me-not
Usually biennial, sometimes annual herb. Stems usually numerous and erect, up to c. 30 cm high, angled. Lower lvs sessile, to c. 8 × 2 cm, oblanceolate to oblong, hairy on both surfaces; hairs not hooked; apex obtuse; upper lvs similar but smaller. Cymes ebracteate, elongating to slightly > leafy part of stem after flowering. Pedicels 1 to nearly 3× length of calyx at fruiting. Calyx 3-5 mm long, elongating to c. 7 mm at fruiting; hairs spreading, often hooked towards base; lobes ± triangular, c. 1/2 length of calyx. Corolla tube < calyx; limb c. 3 mm diam., concave, blue; lobes entire. Style very short. Nutlets 1.5-2.5 × 0.75-1 mm, ovoid, acute, dark brown or black; rim present.
N.; S.; St.: common, extending up to c. 800 m.
Europe, W. Asia 1872
Waste places, cultivated land, and other open, modified habitats.
FL Oct-May.
Field forget-me-not is a very variable sp.; in exposed, dry situations dimensions of vegetative parts are often much less than those given above.