Myosotis tenericaulis Petrie
Diffuse herb; branches slender, rooting at nodes, usually rather flaccid. Lvs elliptic to broadly ovate, on very slender petioles; hairs short, closely appressed, even and sparse, few abaxially. Upper lvs > to much > internodes. Cymes simple or branched, several-flowered; internodes long; each fl. opposite its bract. Calyx hairs stiff, short, closely appressed, even and sparse. Corolla white to yellowish, 3-4 mm diam.; tube short, cylindric; filaments very short; anthers usually wholly included.
N.: Ruahine Mountains; S.: Nelson, Marlborough, N. Canterbury, Fiordland, S. Otago, Southland; St.
Open forest, stream banks.