Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.

M. macrantha (Hook. f.) Benth. et Hook. f., Gen. Pl.  2:   859  (1876)

Rosettes loose; lvs obovate- to lanceolate-spathulate, to 12 cm long; hairs flexuous, appressed or spreading, abaxially retrorse except at tip. Lateral branches ascending to 30 cm long; internodes usually < lvs. Cymes ebracteate, simple or forked, many-flowered; internodes < calyx at fruiting. Corolla of various shades from yellow to brownish orange to brown to deep purple, c. 8 mm diam.; tube very long, narrow-funnelform; filaments c. = anthers, carrying them wholly above scales.

S.: mountains.


Moist shaded ravines, ± sheltered, damp, rocky and bouldery places.

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