Tillaea multicaulis Petrie
Type locality: Maniototo Plain near Naseby. Type: W, "in water tables by road", D. Petrie.
Small herb forming matted to rather open patches up to 3 cm. tall; stems prostrate, rooting at nodes, ascending at tips; internodes up to 1 cm. long, us. less. Lvs ± 2 mm. long, fleshy, ovate-subulate, acute, ± apiculate; lvs of short branches us. imbricate. Fls 2.5-3·5 mm. diam.; peduncles short; calyx divided ± halfway to base, lobes broadly subulate, acute. Petals rose to white, twice length of calyx, broad-oblong, obtuse. Scales 4; carpels ovoid; styles slender, recurved; seeds 8.
DIST.: N. Palliser Bay, R. Mason, BD 65730. S. Montane damp grassland, streamsides and wet places from lat. 41° southwards, but local.
FL.- FT. 11-1.