Ugni Turcz.
Shrubs. Lvs opposite, glandular, small but not ericoid. Fls axillary, solitary, subtended by persistent foliaceous bracteoles. Hypanthium enclosed by ovary; calyx lobes (4)-5. Petals (4)-5, ± connate at base, forming an almost globular cup, not caducous. Stamens 25 or more, included in corolla; filaments ± flattened or dilated, especially those in outer whorl; anthers ± sagittate, basifixed, immersed in the connective; connective dilated, fleshy, sometimes winged along margin, < style. Ovary 3-4-celled; ovules numerous. Fr. baccate; seeds usually 15-25.
4-5 spp., from S. Mexico to Chile, E. to the Guyana Highlands. Naturalised sp. 1.