Agonis juniperina
ζ*Agonis juniperina Schauer ζ*, juniper myrtle, is commonly cultivated for its long-lasting fls and has been collected wild on the margin of scrub by the Huatoki Stream, New Plymouth. It is a large shrub or small tree (to 10 m high in cultivation) with the ultimate branches ± drooping; lvs alternate, mostly 5-12 mm long, linear or linear-subulate, glandular and sweetly aromatic when bruised; apex pungent; fls in dense globular heads c. 10 mm diam., situated on very short lateral branches, sometimes heads terminal; petals white, clawed with orbicular limb; stamens < petals, in 2 whorls of 5; ovary 3-celled with basal placentas, each with 2 ovules. Fr. a 3-valved loculicidal capsule. Plants of this and some other spp. of the genus in cultivation are sometimes mistaken for Leptospermum spp. in N.Z. but no Leptospermum spp. has its fls in dense globular heads. (W. Australia, 1988).