Acmena DC.
Glabrous trees. Lvs opposite or nearly so, usually with many glandular dots. Infl. a terminal, much-branched, many-flowered panicle. Fls usually 2-3 in axes of each peduncle. Hypanthium produced beyond ovary; calyx lobes very short. Petals 4-5, very small, usually united to form lid or operculum, sometimes free, caducous. Stamens numerous, in more than 1 whorl, free, irregular in length, the outer short and not greatly incurved in bud, at least the inner > petals; anthers apically dehiscent (poricidal or by a short slit), versatile; lobes divergent. Ovary 2-3-celled, with few ovules; style very short. Fr. baccate, globose or nearly so; seed 1.
c. 12 spp., S.E. Asia, Melanesia, E. to Solomon Is, Australia. Naturalised sp. 1.
Acmena is sometimes included in Syzygium Gaertner.