Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Leptospermum J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.

LEPTOSPERMUM Forster et Forster f.

Shrubs or trees. Lvs alternate, gland-dotted, often ericoid. Fls nearly always 5-merous, solitary or few in clusters, axillary or at the ends of short branches. Hypanthium broad-campanulate or rarely turbinate, enclosing ovary; calyx lobes herbaceous or membranous. Petals ± spreading, 5, free, orbicular. Stamens numerous, free, < petals, inserted on margin of disc; filaments in bud incurved towards stigma; anthers versatile; cells parallel and dehiscing by longitudinal slits. Ovary (3)-5-12-celled; ovules few to numerous. Style filiform. Capsule usually woody, rarely coriaceous, loculicidal, usually exserted from hypanthium; viable seed few.


Ovary with appressed hairs on top, 7-10-celled
Ovary glabrous on top, 5-celled

c. 40 spp., mainly in Australia, but extending to N.Z., Malaysia and the Caroline Is. Native sp. 1, naturalised 1.

Capsules of both spp. are illustrated in Fig. 86.

L. ericoides A. Rich. and L. sinclairii Kirk, described in Allan (1961), are now included in Kunzea (see under key to genera).

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