Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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ζKunzea Reichb.

ζKunzea Reichb. ζ was revised by Thompson, J., Telopea 2: 379 (1983), who included the N.Z. kanuka, previously known as Leptospermum ericoides, in Kunzea as K. ericoides (A. Rich) J. Thompson. She placed L. sinclairii Kirk in synonomy under K. ericoides; however, Harris, W., New Zealand J. Bot. 25: 134 (1987), followed Allan in regarding it as distinct and made the combination Kunzea sinclairii (Kirk) W. Harris. Harris also made combinations in Kunzea for 2 vars accepted by Allan (1961) for L. ericoides :  var. linearis (Kirk) W. Harris, and  var. microflora (Simpson) W. Harris. Kunzea spp. range from those with bottlebrush fl. heads of red stamens and relatively insignificant petals (e.g., the commonly cultivated K. baxteri (Klotzsch) Schauer), to those like K. ericoides with separate small white fls with stamens not or slightly > petals. The latter type are distinguished from Leptospermum spp. by the filaments which are inflexed in bud to bring the anthers below the stigma (merely incurved towards stigma in Leptospermum). Also, in K. ericoides there is little or no thickening of cells at the back of the anther so that the anthers open widely after pollen dehiscence unlike any Leptospermum spp.

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