Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Syzygium P.Browne ex Gaertn.


Usually trees, sometimes shrubs, nearly always glabrous. Lvs opposite, often glandular. Infl. usually terminal, cymose or paniculate, sometimes fls solitary, sometimes cauliflorous; bracteoles mainly inconspicuous and fugaceous; pseudopedicel mostly present. Hypanthium obovoid-clavate, turbinate, obconic or campanulate, sometimes produced beyond ovary; calyx lobes 4-5, often inconspicuous. Petals 4-5, often forming a calyptrum, generally caducous. Stamens numerous, in several to many whorls, free, > petals, much incurved in bud; anthers variable; anther sacs usually parallel. Ovary 2-(3)-celled, with tissue often spongy; ovules few to many; style often long and exserted. Fr. baccate, globular to subcylindric, ellipsoid, obovoid, 1-2-seeded.


Branchlets ± pendent; pseudopedicel very short and not evident
Branchlets ± spreading; pseudopedicel conspicuous, slender

c. 500 spp., Old World subtropical and tropical regions. Native sp. 1, naturalised 1.

Until recently Syzygium was included in the largely tropical American genus Eugenia L. [Schmid, R., Amer. J. Bot. 59: 423-436 (1972)]. As circumscribed here, Syzygium includes Caryophyllus L. and Jambosa Adans., both involving economically important tropical spp. in the Malesian and W. Pacific areas.

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