Raoulia subsericea Hook.f.
Type locality: Port Cooper (Lyttelton Harbour). Type: K, Lyall.
Stems prostrate, much-branched, rooting; branchlets ascending or spreading, forming rather dense patches except in shade. Lvs laxly to rather closely imbricate, ± 3-6 × 1 mm., thin, pale green; 3-nerved, the lateral pair often obscure, sts absent, suberect to spreading, narrow-oblong, subacute to obtuse, rather sparsely clad below in appressed thin silvery to golden tomentum, ± glab. above, us. with a small tuft at tip. Capitula up to 1cm. diam.; inner phyll. oblong, c. 6-7 × 1mm., widened to conspicuous, obtuse, white radiate tips. Florets 25-45, < half ♀; corolla narrow-funnelform. Achenes c. 1 mm. long, pubescent to nearly glab.; pappus-hairs 3-5 mm. long, slender, very slightly thickened at tips, papillae claviform.
DIST.: S. Montane to subalpine grassland and open places throughout.