Raoulia mammillaris Hook.f.
Psychrophyton mammillare Beauverd loc. cit. 1910, 232, f. 14.
Type locality: "Mount Torlesse, 5000'". Type: K, Haast, Jan. 26/85. Portion of type at CM.
Stock stout, woody; branches densely compacted, woody at base, forming hard rounded cushions up to 50 cm. diam. Lvs densely imbricate, c. 3-4 × 1 mm., obovate-spathulate, rounded at apex; basal portion glab. on ventral surface, clad in floccose hairs on dorsal surface below apex; apical portion clad on both surfaces in straight ascending hairs but little exceeding lamina-apex. Capitula up to 6·5 mm. diam., inner phyll. c. 4 mm. long, narrow-oblong, margins scarious; tips obtuse, white, radiating. Florets 10-12. Achenes up to 1·25 mm. long, clad in long silky hairs; pappus-hairs c. 3 mm. long, rigid.
DIST.: S. Subalpine rocks and fellfield: Mount Torlesse, Mount St. Bernard, Craigieburn Range, Mount Hutt, Mount Somers.