Raoulia monroi Hook.f.
R. cheesemanii Beauverd loc. cit. 1912, 55, f. 14.
Type locality: Waihopai Valley, Marlborough. Type: K, "102 Waihopai Valley, 1850, D. Monro".
Stems prostrate, creeping and rooting; final branchlets ascending; forming close to open flat patches. Lvs closely distichously arranged, 2-3 mm. long, linear-oblong to oblong-spathulate, obtuse, sts apiculate; basal portion 3-nerved, membr., clad in appressed white tomentum; apical portion spreading, involute; ventral surface ± densely clad in matted tomentum; dorsal surface with appressed dense to sparse tomentum. Capitula up to 5 mm. diam. Inner phyll. 3-5 × c. 1 mm., linear-oblong, glab. except for sparse hairs at tips, pale yellow-green, margins hyaline, obtuse tips us. dark brown. Florets ± 15, ♀ 8-10. Achenes c. 1 mm. long, papillate-pubescent; pappus-hairs slender, papillae very finely claviform, c. 3·5 mm. long, not thickened at tips.
DIST.: S. Lowland to montane open ground and rocky places from lat. 41° 30' to 46°, east of divide.