Raoulia parkii Buchanan
Type locality: Mount Alta Range. Type: OM, McKay, 5000'.
Stems prostrate, creeping and rooting, branchlets erect or ascending, ± close-set. Lvs closely imbricate, spreading to recurved at tips, ± 3-5 × 2 mm., obovate-spathulate to obovate-cuneate, broadly rounded to subtruncate at apex; basal portion glab., apical densely clad in soft white to pale buff or occ. yellowish green appressed tomentum. Capitula 4-7 mm. diam.; inner phyll. ± 4-6 mm. long, membr., linear-oblong, with expanded white radiate tips. Florets 15-25, 3-4 mm. long, c. half ♀. Achenes < 1mm. long, puberulous; pappus-hairs c. 4 mm. long, subflexuous, slightly thickened at tips, papillae claviform. Stylopodium distinct.
DIST.: S. Montane to subalpine open places, rocky ground and fellfield from c. lat. 43° 30' to 45° 30', east of divide.
Buchanan, loc. cit., says "It is also found in the North Island." This has not been confirmed.