Coprosma macrocarpa Cheeseman
Type locality: Three Kings Is. Type: A, T. F. Cheeseman, August 1887. Similar plants occur on Mount Pirongia.
Shrub or tree up to 5-(10) m. tall; branches and branchlets stout, glab. Lvs on stout petioles ± 12-25 mm. long. Stipules connate into broad membr. sheath tipped by long sharp denticle. Lamina subcoriac., broad- to elliptic-ovate, obtuse or subacute to mucronulate, ± 9-13 × 4-8 cm. Midrib prominent, secondary veins and reticulations evident. ♂ in compound glomerules on axillary peduncles 10-15 mm. long; calyx-teeth minute; corolla c. 9 mm. long, subcampanulate, lobes ovate-triangular, acute, < tube. ♀ 2-5 together, on simple or branched peduncles 20-70 mm. long; calyx-teeth acute; corolla tubular, widening above, lobes acute, < tube. Drupe orange-red, oblong, 10-25 mm. long.
DIST.: Three Kings, N. and adjacent islets to c. lat. 37 º.
Fl. descriptions, taken from Oliver, are based on N.Z., not Three Kings, material.