Coprosma banksii Petrie
C. myrtillifolia var. linearis Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1853, 108.
Type locality: Mount Hikurangi. Type: W, D. Petrie, Jan. 1897.
Slender shrub up to 1-(2) m. tall; branchlets pubescent. Lvs us. fascicled, on short slender petioles. Stipules broad-triangular, subacute, glab. or nearly so. Lamina subcoriac., obliquely linear-oblong, truncate to retuse or rounded at apex, often mucronulate, cuneately narrowed to base, (10)-15-20-(30) × 2-3-(5) mm. Midrib and main secondary veins us. ± evident, at least below. Fls solitary, terminal on short branchlets, on decurved peduncles. ♂ without calyx; corolla subcampanulate, lobes acute, long. ♀ with acute calyx-teeth; corolla narrow-funnelform, tube < acute lobes. Drupe crimson, oblong, c. 6 mm. long.
DIST.: N., S., St. Lowland to montane forest from Mount Moehau southwards.
Oliver (loc. cit. 71) remarks: "This species is apparently extremely variable, but as it hybridizes freely with C. Colensoi and C. foetidissima (species with which it is generally found), it is practically impossible to say whether a given form is pure or hybrid." This is true where these 3 spp. meet, but when growing alone C. banksii is clear-cut and lacks any odour of foetid nature.