Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Coprosma pseudocuneata W.R.B.Oliv. ex Garn.-Jones & Elder

C. pseudocuneata W. R. B. Oliver in T.N.Z.I. 59, 1928, 729.

C. cuneata Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1853, 110 p.p. non Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. 1, 1844, 21.

Type locality: Mount Holdsworth. Type: W, D. Petrie and B. C. Aston.

Spreading shrub up to c. 3 m. tall, us. shorter, sts reduced to ± 5 cm. when much exposed (the lvs also reduced). Branches rather stout; branchlets subtetragonous, ± pubescent. Lvs fascicled on short branches; petioles short, stout. Stipules ovate- oblong, obtuse, glab. or nearly so on surfaces, sheathing at base; marginal cilia long, white. Lamina thick, coriac., dark green above, paler below; cuneate-oblong to narrow-obovate, ± curved, obtuse to subacute, cuneately narrowed to base, (5)-15-20 × (1·5)-2-4-6 mm. Midrib obscure above, evident (and sts a few secondary veins) below. Fls solitary, terminal on short branchlets. ♂ without calyx; corolla campanulate, lobes oblong, obtuse, ± = tube. ♀ with linear obtuse calyx-teeth ± 2 mm. long; corolla tubular, lobes narrowly ovate-oblong, > tube. Drupe scarlet, oblong, 5-6 mm. long.

DIST.: N., S. Higher montane to subalpine forest, shrubland, grassland, boggy places, herbfield, from Mount Hikurangi and Maungapohatu southwards.

Oliver (loc. cit. 53) remarks: "This species exists in a multitude of forms, many of which can be correlated with differences in the habitat. When, however, a series from similar habitats, for instance, the beech forests, are compared, it is found that different forms are confined to different districts. As a general rule the leaves in the North Island forms are on an average larger and broader than those in the South Island . . . On Mount Egmont this species is distinguished by its large, thick, and broad leaves. This form is referred to as. C. egmontiana by Cockayne [Veg. N.Z. ed. 2, 1928, 337]."

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