Coprosma virescens Petrie
Type locality: near Dunedin. Type: W, D. Petrie.
Subdivaricate shrub up to 2-(5) m. tall with grey bark; branches slender, ascending; branchlets very slender, subtetragonous, flexible, interlacing, glab. or nearly so. Lvs often fascicled, on slender glab. petioles 2-4-(6) mm. long. Stipules subacute to obtuse, broadly triangular, connate near base, ± pubescent to glab.; denticles us. 3. Lamina subcoriac., glab., ovate to ovate-oblong, obtuse, abruptly narrowed to petiole, (4)-5-9 × 3-6 mm.; margins sts waved or with a few blunt teeth. Reticulations of veins us. evident on both surfaces, at least when lamina fresh. ♂ 1-2 on short branchlets; calyx 0; corolla funnelform, lobes ovate, acute, much > tube. ♀ solitary on short branchlets; calyx-teeth minute, ciliolate; corolla tubular, lobes acute, ± = tube. Drupe yellowish white, oblong, 5-6 mm. long.
Dist.: N., S. Lowland to lower montane forest and shrubland from near Masterton southwards.