Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Coprosma parviflora Hook.f.

C. parviflora Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1853, 107.

C. myrtillifolia Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1853, 108 non Fl. Antarct. 1, 1844, 21.

Type locality: Kawakawa River, Bay of Islands. Type: K, J. D. Hooker 421, in forest.

Shrub or small tree up to c. 5 m. tall; branches divaricate, bark grey to whitish, occ. darker; branchlets densely clad in appressed hairs, at least when young. Lvs us. fascicled on slender pubescent petioles < 1 mm. long. Stipules triangular, pubescent, ciliolate. Lamina coriac., glab., oblong to obovate, obtuse, cuneately narrowed to base, (4-5)-7-12-(18) × (2)-4-6 mm. Reticulations of veins us. fairly evident below. Fls terminal on short branchlets. ♂ solitary or 2-3 together; calyx 0; corolla funnelform, lobes c. 3 mm. long, ± = tube, ovate, obtuse. ♀ solitary; calyx truncate, teeth minute; corolla-tube short, lobes c. 2 mm. long, linear, acute. Drupe dark purple or white and translucent, globose, c. 5 mm. diam.

DIST.: N., S. Lowland to higher montane forest, shrubland, grassland, swampy and boggy places from near North Cape southwards.

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