Cladonia tenerrima
≡Cladonia gracilis (L.) Willd. ssp. tenerrima Ahti, Ann. bot. fenn. 17: 208 (1980).
Description : Flora (1985: 113–114 – as C. gracilis ssp. tenerrima). See also Archer (1992b: 126).
Chemistry : Cortex K−, C−, KC−, Pd+ red; containing fumarprotocetraric acid (major) and protrocetraric acid (tr.).
N: South Auckland (Waipakihi Valley), Taranaki (Stratford Mountain House). S: Nelson (Cobb Ridge, Hopeless Creek), Marlborough (Tapuae-o-uenuku, Inland Kaikoura Ra., Black Birch Ra.), Westland (Kelly Ra., upper Otira Valley), Canterbury (Temple Basin Arthur's Pass, Mt Binser, Mt Terako), Otago (Forgotten River, Key Summit, French Ridge, West Matukituki Valley, Whitbourn Flats, Dart Valley, Wye Creek Remarkables, Pisa Ra., Old Man Ra., Hawkdun Ra., Mt Pisgah, St Mary Ra., Rock & Pillar Ra., Naseby, Sutton, Deep Stream, Silver Peaks, Mopanui Dunedin, Maungatua), Southland (Homer, Gertrude Valley, Robin Saddle, Mt Irene). St: (Glory Cove, Fright Cove Port Pegasus). Ch: (Chudleigh Reserve). Throughout, s.l. to 2000 m, on soil, in grassland, Leptospermum heath, on peat, rotting logs, tussock bases and amongst subalpine scrub. Known also from Australia, Tasmania, Macquarie I. (Ahti 1980b; Filson & Archer 1986; Archer 1992b; McCarthy 2003c, 2005 – as C. gracilis ssp. tenerrima).
Illustrations : Ahti (1980b: 208, fig. 7); Filson & Archer (1986: 227, fig. 9); Kantvilas & Jarman (1999: 47) – all as C. gracilis ssp. tenerrima.
Cladonia tenerrima is distinguished from all other species of Cladonia in New Zealand containing fumarprotocetraric acid, by the tall, thin, dark-green to brown, corticate podetia completely lacking soredia. It is often collected in mixed clumps of C. capitellata, C. pertricosa and C. subsubulata that are superficially similar. However, C. gracilis ssp. tenerrima always produces narrow cups (1–3 mm) and generally bears thin branches that arise laterally from the podetia. A rather variable taxon!