Cladonia praetermissa
Description : Primary thallus of conspicuous and persistent squamules, 6–10 mm long, 2–5 mm wide, margins crenate or somewhat incised. Podetia arising from the upper surface of basal squamules, simple or rarely branching near apices, subulate or subcylindrical, 5–15 mm tall (rarely to 20 mm), 0.3–0.7 mm diam., corticate at base and becoming ecorticate and granular-sorediate to the tips; sometimes squamulose near base. Apothecia not seen.
Chemistry : Cortex K+ weak yellow or K−, C−, KC−, Pd+ red; containing atranorin and fumarprotrocetraric acid and traces of protocetraric acid, rarely with psoromic acid.
N: Northland (Herekino Gorge, Mamaranui, Helena Bay) to Auckland (Waitakere coast). St: On soil in semi-shade. Also known from Australia and Norfolk Island (Archer 1984, 1992b; Archer & Bartlett 1986; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Illustration : Archer (1984: 272, fig. 2).
Cladonia praetermissa is characterised by: the sorediate, escyphiferous podetia and the presence of atranorin.