Senecio hectorii Buchanan
Type locality: Buller River. Type: OM, Hector.
Shrub up to 4m. tall; branches stout, spreading, brittle, tomentose; lvs close-set towards tips of branchlets. Lamina 10-25×4-12 cm., membr., broadly oblanceolate, ± scaberulous above, thinly clad in cottony white tomentum below when young, coarsely acutely dentateserrate, pinnatifid to pinnate towards base and on short petiole up to 4 cm. long; petiole clad in brownish hairs below. Corymbs large, terminal, lax, pedicels densely clad in stiff glandular pubescence. Capitula up to 5 cm. diam.; phyll. in two series, outer lanceolate, inner oblong-lanceolate, acute, margins membr. Ray-florets 8-12, ligules white, broad, spreading, c. 2 cm. long; achenes 4·5 mm. long, linear, strongly grooved, glab.; pappus-hairs up to 9 mm. long, slender, rather rigid, finely barbellate.
DIST.: S. Lowland to montane streamsides and forest margins, N.W. Nelson to lat. 42° 30' in Westland.
FL. 12-2.