Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Senecio adamsii

S. adamsii Cheesem. in T.N.Z.I. 28, 1896, 536.

S. pachyphyllus Cheesem. in T.N.Z.I. 16, 1884, 410 non S. pachyphyllos Remy in C. Gay Fl. Chil. 4, 1849, 147.

Type locality: Mount Arthur and Mount Peel, Nelson. Type: A, Cheeseman.

Much-branched shrub up to 1 m. or more tall; viscid on young branchlets, lvs and infl. Lvs close-set on branchlets; lamina 2.5-5·5×1-2 cm., coriac., glab. and somewhat rugose above, clad below in dense white to pale buff appressed tomentum, elliptic to obovate-oblong, obtuse; margins entire, revolute; petiole 1-2 cm. long, widened to persistent sheathing base. Infl. loosely subcorymbose on peduncle c. 2-3 mm. diam., with few foliaceous bracts. Capitula 5-15, up to 2 cm. diam.; phyll. narrow-oblong, subacute, ciliate on margins and with tuft of hairs at apex. Ray-florets 10-15; ligules yellow, spreading. Achenes 3·5 mm. long, subcompound, grooved, pubescent, becoming glab.; pappus-hairs up to 6 mm. long, finely barbellate.

DIST.: N. Mount Holdsworth, Tararua Range, W. Townson. S. Subalpine to alpine shrubland and fellfield; mountains of northern Marlborough and Nelson.

FL. 1-2.

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