Senecio adamsii
S. pachyphyllus Cheesem. in T.N.Z.I. 16, 1884, 410 non S. pachyphyllos Remy in C. Gay Fl. Chil. 4, 1849, 147.
Type locality: Mount Arthur and Mount Peel, Nelson. Type: A, Cheeseman.
Much-branched shrub up to 1 m. or more tall; viscid on young branchlets, lvs and infl. Lvs close-set on branchlets; lamina 2.5-5·5×1-2 cm., coriac., glab. and somewhat rugose above, clad below in dense white to pale buff appressed tomentum, elliptic to obovate-oblong, obtuse; margins entire, revolute; petiole 1-2 cm. long, widened to persistent sheathing base. Infl. loosely subcorymbose on peduncle c. 2-3 mm. diam., with few foliaceous bracts. Capitula 5-15, up to 2 cm. diam.; phyll. narrow-oblong, subacute, ciliate on margins and with tuft of hairs at apex. Ray-florets 10-15; ligules yellow, spreading. Achenes 3·5 mm. long, subcompound, grooved, pubescent, becoming glab.; pappus-hairs up to 6 mm. long, finely barbellate.
DIST.: N. Mount Holdsworth, Tararua Range, W. Townson. S. Subalpine to alpine shrubland and fellfield; mountains of northern Marlborough and Nelson.
FL. 1-2.