Senecio bidwillii Hook.f.
Type locality: Mount Hikurangi. Type: K, "Hikurangi, 202, Colenso".
Compactly branched shrub up to 1 m. tall; branches stout; branchlets, petioles and infl.-branchlets clad in dense appressed soft white to buff tomentum. Lvs elliptic- to obovate-oblong, very coriac., 2-2.5 × 1-1·5 cm., on stout petioles falling to leave prominent lf-bases, glab. and shining above, clad in dense appressed soft tomentum below, midrib and veins not prominent below. Panicles subcorymbose, up to 5 cm. diam.; capitula discoid, campanulate, up to 1·5 cm. diam.; phyll. narrow-oblong, coriac., subacute, tomentose on back. ♀ 3-5; disk-florets ∞, deeply 5-lobed. Achenes linear-oblong, 3 mm. long, ribbed, glab.; pappus-hairs stiff, white, up to 5 mm. long, barbellate.
DIST.: N. Montane to subalpine scrub and fellfield from lat. 37° 30' southwards.
FL. 12-3.