Senecio L.
Capitula solitary to paniculate, heterogamous or homogamous; phyll. in 1-2 series with or without minute ones at base; receptacle flat to convex, nude to fimbrillate. Ray-florets ligulate, pistillate or neuter; disk-florets tubular, perfect. Anthers obtuse at base; style-arms of perfect florets recurved, truncate or penicillate at tips; pappus-hairs cop., smooth to barbellate or plumose. Herbs, lianes, shrubs or trees with alt. lvs. A cosmopolitan genus with over 1500 spp. of the N.Z. spp. S. lautus is recorded also from Tasmania, the remainder are endemic.
- A.
- Herbs
- 1.
- Lvs all radical
- (a)
- Lvs slightly hispid to glab. or thinly tomentose below:
- 1. bellidioides, 2. traversii, 3. southlandicus
- (b)
- Lvs densely tomentose below:
- 4. haastii, 5. lagopus, 6. saxifragoides
- 2.
- Lvs all cauline or both cauline and radical
- (a)
- Phyll. in 2 series; lvs long, linear-lanceolate, entire:
- 7. lyallii, 8. scorzoneroides
- (b)
- Phyll. in 1 series; lvs us. toothed to lobed or pinnatifid:
- 9. lautus, 10. radiolatus, 11. antipodus, 12. glaucophyllus, 13. solandri, 14. tuneri, 15. banksii, 16. colensoi
- B.
- Lianes:
- 17. sciadophilus
- C.
- Shrubs or trees
- 1.
- Capitula radiate
- (a)
- Rays white:
- 18. hectori, 19. kirkii, 20. myrianthos
- (b)
- Rays yellow
- (1)
- Lvs entire
- (i)
- Young lvs viscid
- α
- Low shrubs:
- 21. revolutus, 22. adamsii, 23. spedenii
- β
- Tall shrubs:
- 24. stewartiae, 25. huntii
- (ii)
- Young lvs not viscid
- α
- Lvs including petiole not > 1 cm. long:
- 26. cassinioides
- β
- Lvs including petiole > 2 cm. long:
- 27. laxifolius, 28. greyi, 29. matthewsii
- (2)
- Lvs crenate
- (i)
- Lvs glab.:
- 30. perdicioides
- (ii)
- Lvs tomentose below
- α
- Lvs narrow-linear, strongly revolute:
- 31. bifistulosus
- β
- Lvs broad, not or sightly revolute:
- 32. compactus, 33. monroi, 34. lapidosus
- 2.
- Capitula discoid:
- 35. remotifolius, 36. reinoldii, 37. cockaynei, 38. elaeagnifolius, 39. bennettii, 40. bidwillii
Lvs coriac.; scapes and phyll. with ∞ glandular hairs; tomentum of stock brownish, of lvs below white and villous
Lvs submembr.; scapes and phyll. with few or no glandular hairs; tomentum of stock white, of lvs below white and subappressed
Upper surface of young lvs with ∞ white slender hairs mingled with the hispid ones; tomentum of lower surface thick and villous; lvs cordate at base
Upper surface of young lvs without slender white hairs; tomentum of lower surface thin, appressed; lvs not cordate at base
Hydathodes of lf-margins prominent, projecting; scapes with us. ∞ glandular hairs and fewer soft hairs
Hydathodes of lf-margins inconspicuous; scapes with us. subapressed soft tomentum and few glandular hairs
Stock with long silky hairs; lvs linear, entire, up to c. 25 cm. long; stems simple, corymbosely branched in floral region
Petioles 15-30 cm. long, laminae cordate to orbicular-cordate, margins finely spinulose
Lvs deeply, rather regularly pinnatifid, with light cobwebby hairs at least when young
Lvs variously toothed or lobed but not regularly deeply pinnatifid, hairs ± glandular, not cobwebby
Plant with close-set stout branchlets; lvs not > 7 cm. long including petiole, very thick and coriac.; phyll. very coriac
Plant of more open growth; lvs mostly > 8 cm. long including petiole, less thick and coriac.; phyll. hardly or not at all coriac
Plant with loose papery bark; lvs 4-6·5 mm. long, petioles very short; capitula solitary, sessile; phyll. with broad scarious margins