Senecio bellidioides Hook.f.
Type locality: Canterbury. Type: K, Lyall.
Lvs us. appressed to ground; lamina 1-5 cm. long, on short us. silky-hairy petiole, broad-oblong to suborbicular and obtuse to narrow-oblong and subacute, rounded at base or narrowed into petiole, membr. to coriac.; margins us. ciliate-hairy, upper surface with ∞ to few hispid hairs, lower with few or no hispid hairs or thinly tomentose. Scapes simple to branched, slender, up to 30 cm. long, cottony-tomentose to almost glab., with ∞ to few dark glandular hairs; bracts few, small, acute to subacute. Capitula c. 2-3 cm. diam.; receptacle papillose; ray-florets yellow; phyll. tomentose to almost glab. Pappus-hairs barbellate, up to 6 mm. long; achenes linear-oblong, glab., 2-3 mm. long.
DIST.: S., St. Lowland to subalpine grassland and herbfield throughout.
FL. 10-3.
An ill-understood complex of which the following vars have been distinguished:
Var. glabratus Kirk Stud. Fl. 1899, 339. Lvs broadly oblong, glab. or nearly so below, sparingly setose above. Dist.: S. Lowland and montane as far south as lat. 44°; further extension not certain. Hardly distinguishable from Lyall's type specimens which are perfectly glab. below. Type locality of var. not given by Kirk.
Var. angustatus Kirk Stud. Fl. 1899, 339. C. angustatus (Kirk) Ckn. et Sledge in J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 49, 1932, 128. Lvs narrow linear-oblong, apex subacute; upper surface and margins setose. Dist.: S. Lowland to montane from lat. 41° 30' to 43°. Type locality not given by Kirk.
Var. crassus Simpson et Thomson in T.R.S.N.Z. 73, 1943, 171. Lvs thick, fleshy, brittle, hispid and dark green and rugose above and below. Dist.: St. Lowland to subalpine boggy ground. Type locality: Table Hill. Type: BD 72734, G. Simpson.
Var. setosus Simpson et Thomson in T.R.S.N.Z. 72, 1942. 37. Plant everywhere clad in dense setose glandular hairs; lvs up to 10 cm. long, broadly ovate to obovate, margins thickened. Dist.: S. Type area the only recorded locality: "subalpine scrub and grassland on Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura Range". Type: BD 72732, G. Simpson.
Var. orbiculatus Simpson et Thomson in T.R.S.N.Z. 72, 1942, 36. Lvs glab., c. 6 cm. long or more, suborbicular, rugose above. Dist.: S. Type locality: "grassland and subalpine scrub on the Garvie Mountains at 1200-1500 m." Type: BD 72733, G. Simpson.
A tomentose form has not been described. It has lvs up to 7 cm. long including petiole; lamina broad-elliptic to suborbicular or obovate-oblong; upper surface with ∞ stiff hispid hairs; lower surface with appressed white to pale buff tomentum; scapes with ∞ cottony hairs intermingled with glandular ones. Dist.: S. Montane to subalpine and occ. lowland grassland throughout. An examples is BD 51275, Molesworth Hill, Upper Awatere, H. H. Allan.