Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Senecio monroi Hook.f.

S. monroi Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 2, 1855, 333.

Type locality: Hooker, loc. cit., gives "Mountains of Kaikora, alt. 2-4000 feet, M'Donald (Monro). This plant was collected by a shepherd for Dr. Monro". In the Handbk 1864, 163 he gives: "Nelson Mountains, Munro; Upper Awatere valley, Sinclair". In the type folder, K, is one sheet labelled "Coll. by Mr McRae's shepherd".

Much-branched shrub up to 1 m. tall; final branchlets compactly arranged, tomentose, produced into slender peduncles with foliaceous bracts bearing solitary to racemed (rarely > 3) capitula on slender bracted glandular-pubescent pedicels, us. so massed as to produced a pseudo-corymb. Lvs close-set, coriac.; lamina 2-4 cm. × 5-15 mm., narrow- to obovate-oblong, obtuse, narrowed into slender tomentose channelled petiole up to 2 cm. long; margins distinctly crenate and us. waved; glab. brownish green above, below clad in closely appressed white tomentum; midrib us. distinct. Capitula up to 2 cm. diam.; phyll. linear to linear-spathulate, acute, glandular-pubescent on back, inner with scarious tips. Ray-florets 10-15; ligules yellow, broad, spreading to recurved. Achenes 3·5 mm. long, compressed, finely grooved, hispidulous; pappus-hairs slender, up to 6 mm. long, very finely barbellate.

DIST.: S. Montane to subalpine shrubland and rocky places from lat. 41° 30' to upper waters of Mason and Conway rivers, east of divide.

FL. 12-3. FT. 1-3.

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