Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Monoecious herbs or subshrubs, usually with succulent, jointed stems. Lvs alternate, simple, usually oblique towards base, often strongly asymmetric. Fls actinomorphic or zygomorphic, mostly in axillary cymes. ♂ fls with 2-(5), opposite, valvate sepals; petals usually 2-5, imbricate, sometimes 0; stamens numerous; filaments free or connate; anthers opening lengthwise. ♀ fls with perianth similar to ♂; staminodes very small or 0; ovary inferior, occasionally free at apex, (1)-2-5-locular, usually angled or winged; styles 2-5, free or connate; stigmas often twisted and appearing similar to stamens; ovules very numerous on axile placentae. Fr. usually a capsule, rarely a berry. Seeds very numerous, minute, almost non-endospermic; testa reticulate; embryo straight.

3 genera, c. 1000 spp., tropical and subtropical.

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