Herbs, shrubs, trees, rarely climbers or saprophytes. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite or verticillate, simple, exstipulate. Fls ⚥, usually in racemes or spikes and terminal, rarely in panicles or solitary. Calyx 4-5-merous; segments usually free, imbricate, the 2 inner segments larger and often petaloid (wings). Petals 3-(5), the outer 2 free or united at base, the upper 2 free or often reduced or 0, the innermost (keel) boat-shaped and often with a terminal beak or fimbriate crest. Stamens usually 8, rarely 3-7, usually monadelphous to beyond the middle, rarely free; staminal tube split above and often adnate to petals; anthers 1-2-locular. Ovary (1)-2-(5)-locular; style simple; ovules 1 per loculus, pendulous. Fr. a dehiscent capsule or a drupe; seed with a conspicuous strophiole.
c. 12 genera, 800 spp., cosmopolitan.
The fls of this family resemble those of the faboid Fabaceae in general appearance, but the 2 families are not closely related and the structure of both fl. and fr. differs significantly in detail (Fig. 94).