Shrubs or small trees with slender branches. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, scale-like or ericoid. Fls usually in spikes, racemes, or panicles, occasionally solitary, very small, actinomorphic, usually ⚥. Sepals 4-5-(6), imbricate, free. Petals 4-5-(6), free, often persistent. Stamens 4-numerous, free or connate at base, inserted on or at margin of prominent disc. Ovary superior, 1-locular; carpels 3-5, with parietal or basal placentae; ovules numerous; styles 3-5, free or united at base. Fr. a septicidal capsule. Seeds with tuft of long hairs all round or only at apex, endospermic or non-endospermic.
4 genera, 100-120 spp., dry or saline regions of temperate and subtropical Eurasia and N. Africa.